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Kit de férula volar para el antebrazo - OrthoTape
Todo lo que necesitas en un kit de férula para fabricar la férula para muñeca Volar Cockup. Nuestro material de férula precortada sintética acolchada OrthoTape es un sistema único de férula de ajuste rápido que ya tiene acolchado incorporado. No es necesario añadir acolchado adicional ni medias para hacer la férula. Simplemente retírela de la bolsa, humedézcala, recórtela y forme alrededor de la extremidad del paciente. Luego aplique nuestras vendas autoadhesivas incluidas en su kit para mantener la férula en su lugar. Espere de 5 a 7 minutos para que la férula se asiente y solidifique.
La ferulización palmar es una técnica para el tratamiento de lesiones traumáticas y no traumáticas de la mano y la muñeca. La férula inmoviliza y sostiene los metacarpianos y el carpo, dejando espacio para la hinchazón. La férula se puede quitar fácilmente para examinar las heridas si es necesario.
¿Para qué se utiliza una férula volar?
La férula de losa volar del antebrazo, también conocida como férula de cockup, es una carcasa de fibra de vidrio sintética no circunferencial que se utiliza para inmovilizar temporalmente fracturas y lesiones de tejidos blandos de la muñeca y el antebrazo. Se utiliza para proteger al paciente hasta que se aplica un yeso o hasta que se obtiene el tratamiento quirúrgico. También se puede utilizar para esguinces y torceduras de muñeca.
El kit incluye:
1- Férula sintética OrthoTape empaquetada (elija el tamaño)
Provides stability and allows the thumb to rest (severe arthritis at the base of the thumb).
william brandeis
Works great
Works like a dream better than full casts. don't need to sit in the ER to get it removed!
Jesse Newmark
Great for kid's broken finger with appropriate caution
I ordered this because my eight year old son had a very small fracture in his ring finger metacarpal. The doctor said a cast was too much, so just gave him a finger splint and told us to buddy tape, but said he couldn't play sports for four weeks. Our son was super bummed about missing practices and games, so we tried to find a removable cast or something similar and came across this. As a non-medical person I was nervous about forming the splint, but I watched the video a few times and pulled it off. (I was very careful to make sure I could take the fiberglass on and off as I went, because I didn't want to wind up in the hospital getting it cut off.) Anyway, it worked out great and we basically wound up with a removable half cast, formed perfectly to his hand and arm, that I can take on and off, using athletic wrap and tape so he's super safe and can keep playing with his teams. So this was an amazing product for us, but just required some care and caution in setting it.
Bryon Billingsley
Great kit.
Love the company and services
Great customer care and delivery. Hoping maybe some new colors of fiber.
But my go to ortho supplier for sure
Bryon Billingsley
Great kit.
Love the company and services
Great customer care and delivery. Hoping maybe some new colors of fiber.
But my go to ortho supplier for sure